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William W. Ward

Battalion Chief William “Wes” Ward served as the director of EMS for the Center Point Fire District in central Alabama. Ward retired from the Birmingham Fire and Rescue Service in 2014 as a fire captain. He currently serves as a part-time EMS instructor at Jefferson State Community College where he has worked since 2007. Also, Ward serves as the administrator for Alabama EMS Challenge, which is an EMS continuing education initiative sponsored by the Alabama Fire College that brings physician lectures to EMS providers free of charge. Ward is an Alabama representative for NREMT, and he has volunteered for multiple NREMT committees. He is a member of the IAFC and is active in the Central Alabama Fire Chiefs’ Association. Ward holds a bachelor’s degree from Athens State University and a master of public administration from Troy University. He is currently in progression in the Troy University Global Leadership Ph.D. Program.

Fire and EMS professionals must go beyond the “how” to understand the “why” of every technique and tool in our arsenal
Our current organizational structure causes authority-responsibility mismatches, creating frustration for everyone