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Ind. FFs attempt rescue on frozen lake ... for mannequin head

“You never know what type of call we might respond to,” the Monroe Fire Protection District said


Photo/Monroe Fire Protection District

Mitchell Willetts
The Charlotte Observer

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — Firefighters moved carefully across the frozen lake, at some points crawling their way toward the person seemingly stuck in the ice — but as rescuers got closer they realized something was wrong, Indiana officials said.

Members of the Monroe Fire Protection District donned ice suits and headed out to Lake Monroe on Feb. 11, after receiving a call that someone’s head was “sticking out of the ice,” officials said in a social media post. The lake is about 60 miles southwest of Indianapolis.

“Upon their arrival they immediately began rescue operations,” the post said. But rescuers soon noticed that the victim was actually just a mannequin’s head.

Dummy or not, firefighters followed through with the rescue and brought the head to safety, photos show.

“Sometimes you never know what type of call we might respond to,” officials said. “Thankfully this one turned out to be nothing serious.”


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