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Violence Against First Responders

The San Antonio union president urged firefighters and medics to “keep your heads on a swivel and watch your six” after the arrests of Venezuelan gang members
Departments must remain vigilant and proactive in addressing the potential for violence on scene
A call for an unresponsive driver turned violent for Rowan County first responders
While Aurora Fire Rescue attempted to extinguish a house fire, a man ran out with a gun and immediately fired upon a responding Falck Rocky Mountain ambulance
Firefighters and medics are attacked with increasing frequency, follow these steps to shift the survival odds in your favor
Remaining professional in the face of irrational, irate civilians is a skill that should be taught and reinforced; here’s how to do it
Lt. Duckworth and Chief Wylie caution us not to buy into their emotion and abandon best fireground practices
Firefighters in Birmingham showed moral courage in the face of direct orders during a very difficult time in history
Planning for acts of violence before they occur is key to mitigating their impact
Violence against emergency responders is an old and ugly problem, but preparation and awareness can keep you safe
Firefighters and medics need to know how to identify potentially violent scenes and how to react to attack from an assailant