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Uniform Stories

I look forward to the days when the horrific memories are gone forever and just the good ones survive
Our job search should be short, for who could deny a retired firefighter employment?
For all the men and women who were killed during the 9/11 attacks, there were countless lives saved by the bravery of others
It’s not unusual for a firehouse to house a spirit or two
To those of us on the job, the helmet is a tradition that allows us to express our respect for those who have gone before
I am not a machine; I am a simple person who signed on to do a job, and have done it well
Official statistics show that 343 firefighters lost their lives on that day, but there were really 344
None of us gets through a career in firefighting unscathed
There is always the chance that something will happen that we have no control over; it’s those fears that keep us up at night
Why did you decide to volunteer?
Some people just aren’t fit for the volunteer life – you know, like people who enjoy sleep
If you recognize more than a few of the following traits in yourself, head over to headquarters and grab an application
Don‘t relax because you got accepted to a fire academy; this is the perfect time to be proactive and get things done
Too bad the deckie is a Jake
The role, though thankless, is endlessly important.
This job has been quite the experience in the short month I have been working
There is no greater fear than not seeing a child breathing, and no greater joy than seeing that same child begin to breathe
Many of those tools, gadgets and devices are not standard issue and can even be made at home
No matter how high Steve Buscemi reaches into stardom, he has never forgotten his roots
Just because we see these mistakes everywhere does not make them remotely true to life
Have you earned your number or were you just happy to be drafted?
These fashion tips won’t leave you Fonzie cool or bucket of ice in front of a fan cool, but they will keep you looking good when it counts
It’s hard for us to celebrate merrily when we have just seen the tears of a child that we extricated from a vehicle collision
Whether its a firefighter training class or a family vacation, you don’t want to do it sick; here’s how to put the odds in your favor
The ability to laugh does release chemicals that help you feel better, but laughter is only the beginning
Visiting other firehouses can be fun and informative, but don’t be “that guy”
The 24-hour lifestyle takes some getting used to, especially if you‘re assigned to a busy company
Dalmatians are not for everyone, but if you can befriend these beautiful animals, you can have a dependable buddy that is sure to put a smile on your face