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PPE for truckies: Jeff Stull breaks down the NFPA standards changes ahead

Following the latest technical committee meeting, our resident PPE expert shares the inside scoop on what’s likely changing in the PPE standards

There’s been considerable discussion about the pending consolidation of four PPE standards on clothing, work uniforms, SCBA and PASS devices into one PPE mega-standard: NFPA 1970. PPE expert Jeff Stull, president of International Personnel Protection Inc., shares the inside scoop on the likely changes to come based on a recent technical committee meeting. He also provides guidance on the unique standards update process and how the NFPA works to strike a balance between what’s best for the safety of firefighters without causing undue stress for fire departments.

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This episode of the Better Every Shift Podcast is sponsored by MSA, the world’s leading manufacturer of high-quality, fire-rescue and safety solutions, protecting first responders around the word since 1914. For more information, visit

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