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By Steve Seoane for FireRescue1 BrandFocus
As technology expands capabilities and makes enhancements across the public safety sector – from mobile units in each patrol car to wearable tech on every officer – there is more data captured and accessed than ever before. Why are agencies reluctant to adopt technologically advanced systems when a crisis hits and they need the most up-to-date information?
CAD interoperability should be the primary focus for law enforcement, EMS and fire agencies, but existing CAD-to-CAD systems are currently difficult to implement – it requires collaboration among different jurisdictions and budgets to integrate. Without CAD interoperability, neighboring 911 communication centers are forced to coordinate over the phone, slowing down incident response and leaving first responders with incomplete or incorrect information that increases risk to those in need of help and first responders as well.
True CAD-to-CAD interoperability alleviates the confusion of managed chaos in public safety. When adjacent communities connect their CAD systems, it allows dispatchers, first responders and command staff the ability to view incident data, perform necessary call transfers, view available units and dispatch units from other law enforcement agencies connected through the same system.
The city of Atlanta is a prime example of how interoperability is able to play a critical role in saving lives. Atlanta is on a single-siloed CAD platform that serves just under half a million residents while the roughly 40 surrounding counties all operate on a similar CAD system. That equates to an entire community of 4.5 million people potentially residing on a single CAD platform that could share dispatch information, situational intelligence and officer locations among all of those agencies. This type of interoperability has the power to save lives.
Between the initial 911 call to the moment first responders arrive on scene, a lot can change. Here’s how CAD-to-CAD benefits every member of the team during an evolving crisis:
- Coordinated multi-jurisdictional agency communication during mass incidents
- Quick access to updates and notifications from other agencies
- Real-time identification and location of resources across all agencies
- Relevant local information for locations outside of their jurisdiction
- In-depth situational awareness across agencies during a crisis
- Immediate updates of locations for all resources across all agencies
- All information easily accessible on their everyday devices
- Automated mutual aid requests
- Ability to establish and share perimeters with other agencies
- In-depth situational awareness of constantly evolving details
- Immediate notification of resources’ arrival on scene and updated resource location
Law enforcement agencies are eager to evolve and empower their personnel with the resources CAD-to-CAD interoperability provides. Connected neighboring and adjacent public safety entities prevents small-scale problems from evolving into large-scale disasters, making for safer communities.