By Leila Merrill
JOPLIN, Mo. — Joplin firefighters will get pay raises averaging 11.2% since the Joplin City Council voted Monday in favor of an agreement with local union members.
According to the Joplin Globe, the city’s increase for firefighters is close to the 11.7% pay increase Joplin police officers began receiving in September.
The pay scale for firefighter-EMTs will start at $36,000 and come with raises of about $1,000 to $1,200 a year. Driver/engineers’ pay starts at $40,525 with raises per step starting at about $1,200 a year. Captains’ incomes start at $49,000 and come with annual increases of about $1,400 to $1,500 per year.
The pay ranges for firefighter-EMTs with five years of experience hit the $40,000 range, and driver/engineers see pay levels at five years of more than $45,000.
The pay raises are part of an effort to retain more firefighters. A city policy also was changed to allow retired or retiring public safety employees to return to work after filing for benefits.