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Solar panels hamper Mass. FFs during chimney fire

Monson firefighters said solar panels slowed down firefighters during a recent fire


Monson Fire Department/Facebook

By Heather Morrison

MONSON, Mass. — A chimney fire in Hampden had gotten out of control. But when firefighters arrived, they were put in an even more dangerous situation due to how the solar panels were installed, the Monson Fire Department said.

The Monson Fire Department was called to the fire at 10:09 p.m. on Thursday due to its remote location on Bradway Road and lack of available water.

“Firefighters once on scene found a working chimney fire with difficult access due to solar panels on both slopes of the roof and a steeply sloped ground near the chimney,” Chief Brian Harris wrote.

Solar panels require a permit and inspection from the fire department to be installed. While the solar panels at the house had been inspected when they were installed years ago, it was prior to recent updated regulations. The new regulations make it safer for firefighters.

“While putting as many panels on your roof as possible may be good for the electric bill it hampers our efforts when responding to situations like this one,” the chief wrote.

Due to the way the solar panels were placed, firefighters had to climb to the peak of the roof and “shimmy” across to go down the other side of the roof. But that side also had solar panels, so firefighters then used a ladder from the roof to the top of the chimney to extinguish the fire.

“This all takes time to do and each minute that goes by is more damage that happens or opportunity for the fire to spread,” the Harris wrote. “It is also extremely dangerous for our members. We typically don’t like to put ladders on chimneys like this because you never know their stability especially during a fire”

Harris asked that people call him if they have any questions about solar panels and fire safety.

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