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Nicol Juratovac

Assistant Chief Nicol Juratovac has been with the San Francisco Fire Department (SFFD) since 1997, beginning at the rank of firefighter/EMT. She graduated from the National Fire Academy Executive Fire Officer program and obtained California State Fire Training’s Fire Officer and Chief Officer certificates. She also earned her Master Instructor certificate through State Fire Training. Juratovac is a certified Hazardous Materials Specialist, and has certifications in Rescue Systems I and II, Trench Rescue, Confined Space Rescue, Auto Extrication, Wildland, SCUBA and other specialties. She is a state subject-matter expert on high-rise firefighting, and is qualified to work on the SFFD Heavy Rescue Squad and Surf Rescue companies. Juratovac has taught at conferences, workshops and as an adjunct faculty member at the NFA. She has been an instructor at City College of San Francisco’s Fire Science Technology Program since 2003 and at its Fire Academy since its inception. Juratovac is a member of the FireRescue1/Fire Chief Editorial Advisory Board.

Strategies the IC can employ to effectively coordinate resources and handle the growing list of tasks