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Fire News

Need the most up-to-date news on fireground operations, incident command, recruiting, staffing, training, leadership and firefighter safety? Catch up on the latest news in the fire service world.

FEMA told grant recipients they must provide additional details on fund distribution and use, with processing times extended up to 30 days
Grant awardees are reportedly unable to conduct drawdowns from already approved grant fund accounts
Last month the White House paused federal funding to align with Trump’s agenda, disputing the court’s authority to intervene
Town of Ulster officials are allowing a property tax reduction to first responders who live in a district other than the one they serve
Scranton firefighters face expanded coverage under a new city directive, sparking union concerns over safety, workload and lack of communication
A voter-approved tax allowed Boulder County to provide grants to fund equipment, station upgrades and emergency vehicles
The fund supports 137,000 people affected by toxic exposure from the attacks at the World Trade Center, as well as the plane crashes in Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon
The Kern County Fire Department will use the money to reduce exposure to cancer-causing materials and to support the department’s critical incident stress management program
Incident command challenges are heightened in a region replete with jurisdictional anomalies
Public safety leaders need to evaluate the impact of executive orders and policy pronouncements on their departments and communities
The Santa Ana winds mirror the self-generated fire winds following German air raids on the city of London during World War II
A deadly vehicle attack in New Orleans underscores the need for EMS to adapt to evolving threats, exploring strategies for prevention, response and building resilience
An explainer and action plan based on the Consensus Statement of NAEMSP, IAFF and IACP
A new study ranks fire supervision as a prime option, so how do we make this connection for the younger members of our communities?

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The City of Madison solidifies its leadership in environmental sustainability and fire service innovation by receiving the first Pierce Volterra Electric Pumper production unit ordered, which is now in service
A Texas A&M grant, donations and a trade-in helped Rockdale firefighters with their latest apparatus purchase
Bureau of Fire Investigation for largest fire department in the US will leverage NICE technology to investigate and bring cases involving suspicious fires to resolution faster
Redmond’s new electric fire engine, originally priced at $2.4 million, will cost the city just $264,600, thanks to funding from grants and donations
The Amarillo Fire Department will be purchasing six new fire engines and two ladder trucks as part of a long-term replacement plan
Funding for Lowell and Tewksbury fire departments of over $70K helped improve firefighter safety and fireground operations
Follow these tips for preparing for the 2025 AFG application period