ATLANTA — FireRescue1 Senior Fire Advisor Chief Marc Bashoor appeared on CNN Tuesday to voice his concerns about the recent cancellation of training at the National Fire Academy.
Bashoor was interviewed by The Situation Room’s Wolf Blitzer, detailing the importance of the NFA and the impact of the training cancellations: “To take this away right now, even for a pause, we’re going to begin to see a degradation in our services. It might not happen tonight or tomorrow, but you’re going to see a degradation in the capabilities of fire departments who are unable to get this training and keep their people up to date.” Watch the full video above.
Bashoor was one of the first fire service leaders to speak out about the cancellations on Friday, sharing a statement with FireRescue1 that was quickly picked up by national media, including the Associated Press and CNN.
Additional fire service leaders have echoed Chief Bashoor’s sentiment, and major fire organizations like the IAFC and CFSI are urging firefighters across the country to take action, namely contacting their elected officials to demand the continuation of NFA training.