In this installment of Firefighters in Fire Trucks Getting Ice Cream, we talk with Jeff Dill from the Firefighter Behavioral Health Alliance.
This great organization seeks to provide behavioral health workshops to fire departments, EMS and dispatch organizations across the globe.
The FBHA focuses on behavioral health awareness with a strong focus on suicide prevention.
Dill was teaching a class on post-traumatic stress and firefighter suicide at Red Helmet Training, my training facility in Rancho Cucamonga, so we took some time aside to talk about the firefighter suicide crisis as well as some statistical data that Dill has been able to gather.
This episode features a 1996 E-One owned by the Hollywood Fire Authority, a company that supplies fire apparatus to the film industry.
In Part 2, Dill and I continue the conversation at Below Zero Shaved Ice, which serves ice cream covered with flavored ice.
Part 2: