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Introducing the Firefighter Mayday Survey with Lt. Bassel Ibrahim

Ibrahim details his own mayday experience and shares his take on proactive vs. reactive RIT

Orlando Lt. Bassel Ibrahim is carrying the mayday research torch through the launch of the Firefighter Mayday Survey. The project is a variation and continuation of Don Abbott’s Project Mayday following the chief’s death in 2022. Ibrahim shares what drove him to take on such a huge project, which shares real-world mayday and near-miss data to improve firefighter safety, training and tactics. We dig into all things mayday research, plus all this:

  • Proactive vs. reactive RIT
  • RIT’s role as jack-of-all-trades
  • Switching radio channels
  • The problem with LUNAR
  • Ibrahim’s own mayday experience
  • Why “without data, there is no progress”

Watch FireRescue1’s on-demand webinar featuring Lt. Ibrahim: “Mayday survival – personal experiences, practical tactics.”

BONUS: Take the What Firefighters Want in 2025 survey.

This episode of the Better Every Shift Podcast is sponsored by TheFireStore. Learn more about getting the gear you need at prices you can afford by visiting TheFireStore.

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Previously on the Better Every Shift Podcast
With most lawsuits stemming from within the FD, officers must learn to identify and manage the conflict-seeking members most likely to turn problems into litigation