By Laura French
CHICAGO — Two firefighters were hospitalized following a mayday call at a house fire on Monday night.
The two firefighters became disoriented after what was described as a “fire flash” on the top floor of the house, according to CBS Chicago. Other firefighters went inside the building to assist the injured firefighters in getting out of the building.
The Chicago Fire Department said on Twitter that one firefighter transported “code GREEN” and another was transported “code YELLOW.” The firefighters’ injuries were not life-threatening, officials said.
Six people who were inside the house when the fire started were able to escape uninjured. Firefighters also struggled with frozen fire hydrants during the blaze.
The incident Monday was the second time in less than a week that a mayday was called during a fire in Chicago. On Friday, Feb. 19, six firefighters were hospitalized after a flashover and mayday call, with one firefighter jumping from the roof of the burning building to a neighboring building to escape.