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Lori Stone

Lori Stone is a senior public safety advisor for the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority). She is responsible for outreach and consultation with local public safety agencies. She most recently served as Maryland’s single point of contact for the FirstNet Authority. In this role, she was responsible for the development and implementation of the outreach and state consultation strategy to engage public safety in FirstNet planning efforts.

Lori also spent several years working on the legal, operational, and planning requirements for the deployment of Maryland FiRST, the statewide 700 MHz public safety radio communications system. She also served as the grant manager for two public safety communications federal grant programs.

Lori has worked as a National Capital Region Planner at the Maryland Emergency Management Agency; developed public education and media campaigns for emergency preparedness; and drafted and exercised Continuity of Operations Plans for higher education institutions, hospitals, and non-profit organizations.

She has a bachelor’s degree in mass communications from Towson University and a Juris Doctor from the University of Maryland School of Law.

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