Duty Death: Brian Cecil Busch and James Ludlum - [Mineral Point]
End of Service: 06/01/2022
By Leila Merrill
MINERAL POINT, Wis. — Mineral Point Fire Department Captain Brian Cecil Busch and Firefighter James “Jim” Michael Ludlum were killed on Jan. 6 while responding to a vehicle crash on U.S. 151, according to the U.S. Fire Administration.
Busch, 43, and Ludlum, 69, were in a fire truck and attempting to use an emergency crossover when a semi-tractor trailor hit the apparatus, which sustained major damage and caught fire. Both members died at the scene.
The semi driver was not injured, Channel 3000 reported.
On Friday, first responders held a procession in honor of Ludlum and Busch.
The fatal crash is under investigation.