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LODD: Chicago firefighter dies after partial roof collapse

Chicago Firefighter Jermaine Pelt was pulled from the home and transported, along with two other injured firefighters, to a local medical facility


Chicago Firefighter Jermaine Pelt was working a hose line when the structure became unstable and crews were ordered to evacuate.

Photo/Chicago Fire Department

Duty Death: Jermaine Pelt - [Chicago]

End of Service: 04/04/2023

By Rachel Engel

CHICAGO — A firefighter died after battling a multi-home blaze that included a partial roof collapse.

Chicago Firefighter Jermaine Pelt was working a hose line when the structure became unstable and crews were ordered to evacuate, ABC 7 reported.

Following a mayday call, Pelt and two other firefighters were transported to Advocate Christ Hospital, where Pelt was pronounced dead.

The two other firefighters transported with Pelt remain in serious condition.

Pelt leaves behind a wife and children, including a 6-year-old child and a daughter who he recently walked down the aisle at her wedding.

“Jermaine is our family and when we lose one of our members, it takes a toll on us and people just don’t know what firefighters and paramedics go through daily when they respond to these calls not knowing if they will come home the next day,” Commissioner Nance Holt said.