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What Firefighters Want 2024: How does your direct supervisor excel?

Survey respondents shared positive outlooks on their next-level supervisor


Photo/Cobb County Fire Department Training Division

Editor’s Note: This content was originally published in the What Firefighters Want in 2024 digital edition. Download your copy here. And check out the full series here.

By FireRescue1 Staff

Nothing can make or break your work life more than the relationship you have with your direct supervisor. You can identify a bad boss easily; what qualities do the good ones possess? In the What Firefighters Want in 2024 industry report, firefighters shared what they appreciated most about their manager and how they run the department ... as well as a few qualities that definitely define the not-so-great ones.

Do you agree?

  • Leads by example, very hardworking
  • He is always available to discuss professional or personal topics or issues. He is honest and trustworthy. He does not micromanage his members. He is approachable and thoughtful. He has a good vision and idea of what the department needs for the future (ie succession plans in training division, etc)
  • He is great with budgeting, administration and efficiency.
  • Excellent company officer. Very intelligent and experienced. Tactical decisions.
  • Approachable, and great listener
  • Passion and commitment to the Department
  • Supportive leader who empowers & has my back.
  • Tactics and strategies are spot on. He listens well. He provides constructive criticism. He defends us when needed. He leads.
  • Fairness across all personnel. Maintaining composure during emergencies.
  • He remains calm under any stressful situation.
  • Does not micro-manage
  • They are eager to learn and improve
  • Understanding the floor and having humility
  • He actually listens and takes action.
  • Political savvy
  • Implementation of new processes and greater accountability with transparency that we had not had in the past
  • Friendly/kind. Doesn’t get sucked into fire hall drama.
  • Strict adherence to SOPs

Excelling at the wrong things:

  • “Still golf”
  • “Self-advancement”
  • “Good buddy, not a leader”
  • “Micro-management”
  • “Appeasing the chief”
  • “Pencil-pushing”

Are you led by a great supervisor? Send an email to and let us know their best traits.