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Video: Australian firefighters overrun by blaze

Footage from the Jan. 4 Currowan Fire shows firefighters being overrun by a wall of fire over a three-minute period

By Rachel Engel

SHOALHAVEN, Australia — A video from earlier in the month shows Australian firefighters being overrun by a wall of fire after a wind gust.

The Dunmore Rural Fire Brigade posted the video to Facebook, and said, “This goes to show what happens in just over three minutes. The crew continues for another nine minutes on the ground bringing a massive positive outcome, with a complete safe crew, protected truck and property saved.”

The video shows firefighters prepping to protect property from the blaze, when a wind gust measuring at 62 mph caused the fire to spread through the trees to the other side of the road.

While firefighters evacuated the area, one fire truck was left behind and continued to film due to a crew member activating a cab spray, which protected the apparatus until the main fire front passed through.

The video should serve as a reminder to the public, the social media post said.

“People are reminded to adhere to the warnings when given from the appropriate services as this is not a pleasant place to be when a fire impacts at any time, especially at short notice,” Dunmore RFS wrote. “Ensure your Bushfire Plan is in place.”[0]=68.ARBicMPXHRQhJJcvt2HPcQY2CPKRVXv4go55DDN3Xbw3O1nvUERN_FVyMAnZQMQpH9jJmed-vfPVoY1dws0esry8CkVrSzU0zOFs-rJsoyAVygxjCSNeSA6dboa3Pp061-ra7_KImbK2mwg4MzC4j4ISDlPnneDTdzkchuS1W5bIbgdtbmHbM8sMPlzNtqsG5KjQNxUf2dr44EaNjiVM0KB0mWrnyGOH2ERr73dAxcSI9jqm-iHqDZ6gxwTL36Q0Mpz_DLsteU49cSWmxhSGIok4Pv5a8fz2yQNL6TJlojv-aUlBwsRCDNKfU3QElfgOyoSPxH8USz1wV9b-LE80j2_lG_CXc3gDKegsuOmA&__tn__=-R