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‘When you start loving your recliner more than the craft, that’s a problem’

Firefighter Philip Clark talks career changes later in life, health hurdles and wins, and passion for the job

Firefighter Philip Clark has been through some significant changes. At 38, he became a rookie for the second time in his life, despite having 20 years on the job. He went back to school to attain not one but two associate degrees. But most importantly, Clark took action to improve his health and lost nearly 100 pounds in the process. But making big changes doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Clark tapped into his support system and took a hard look in the mirror to identify his root issues. He shares some key guidance for taking similar action – plus, we dig into all this:

  • The Pandora’s box problem affecting so many first responders
  • The vicious cycle of health challenges – and his top recommendation for change
  • The lessons learned from being the “old guy in the academy”
  • The importance of moving in the right direction, even if slow-going

Read more from Clark:

This episode of the Better Every Shift Podcast is sponsored by TheFireStore. Learn more about getting the gear you need at prices you can afford by visiting TheFireStore.

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