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Digital Edition: Go/no-go decision-making on the fireground

Gain insight into how go/no-go situations are resolved by ICs and how you can level-up your own decision-making skills

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There are countless debates in the fire service that come down to simple go/no-go decision-making: go to the roof or not, search the fire building or not, take action at an active shooter event or not, to name a few. Go or no-go decisions become a very real situation with very real consequences.

Incident commanders in particular are routinely faced with making decisions that will ultimately result in either successful outcomes or compromised safety of citizens and firefighters alike. This digital edition helps company and chief officers manage these moments and make smart decisions that balance firefighter safety and service to the community.

► Download and share the edition with your colleagues. How will these resources help you?

  • Go or no-go? The power of mindset
  • Go/no-go vertical ventilation: Heading to the roof
  • Go/no-go search tactics: Research and experience drive decision-making
  • Family reunification after major incidents: What can you do?

Use these resources to level-up your own fireground decision-making, then make sure to spread the knowledge with your team. Fill out the form to download the free digital edition.