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FireRescue1 Webinars & Digital Events

The FireRescue1 Webinars resource page serves as a central access point for registration information about upcoming live Lexipol and FireRescue1 webinars, on-demand viewing of past webinars, news about webinars hosted by major fire service organizations and partners, and analysis of industry webinars.

Captain Richard Birt shares a bread-and-butter approach to mitigating residential structure fires involving solar panel and energy storage systems
The latest research promoting firefighter safety
What you need to know about the new consolidated standard and what that means for your department
Skills and insights for tomorrow’s challenges
How AI and deployable communications are changing the field
Preventing disruptive emergency communication outages
Grant experts break down the latest opportunities, strategies, and insider tips to help your agency secure critical funding
Learn how NERIS is providing first responders with more accurate and actionable post-incident information.
Learn how to maintain a sense of calm so you can help others
Gain reliable and explainable results safely using Raman, FTIR, and SERS
Chiefs John Oates and Dena Ali break down the latest survey findings related to fire department leadership at all levels
Effective responses to the latest chemical threats

Leveraging emerging technology to enhance firefighter safety
Safety Stand Down 2024 goes back to basic training
The latest methods and the strategic value of implementing Gas Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) devices
Follow the SROVT principles – solid, realistic, ongoing, verifiable training – to develop strong incident commanders
Listen as Dr. Rachelle Zemlok takes the Better Every Shift crew inside the psychologist’s office
Learn more about First Line Technology’s cutting-edge decontamination solutions and how to maximize the MX908

Dr. Rachelle Zemlok takes the Better Every Shift crew inside the psychologist’s office during First Responder Wellness Week
What you need to know to prepare for the likely changes ahead
How to address real-world scenarios
During the webinar “Violence prevention — the fire and EMS safety checklist,” Dr. Jennifer Taylor details the emerging threats of violence
Maximizing the power of response vehicles
A detailed look at the actions leaders can take to implement a systems-level plan to protect their members
The emergence of unconventional chemical threats
Unpacking the survey data and identifying solutions to address the perfect storm of stress
Be ready for today and prepare for tomorrow
Detailing live-fire training options and requirements, from medical monitoring to decon to water supply and beyond
Best practices for a successful grant application