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Quick Clip: Leadership lessons from Dallas LODD

Chief Wylie and Lt. Duckworth recommended leaders check their policies and procedures in case a similar incident were to happen in their department


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In this week’s quick clip, Chief Rob Wylie and Lt. Rom Duckworth take a look at the line of duty death report involving Dallas Fire-Rescue firefighter Stanley Wilson.

“You have to go back and look at what caused this,” Chief Wylie said. “A lot of times when I see the pitchforks and spears coming out, it’s probably indicative of a bigger problem that was going on in that organization prior to the line of duty death. And this is just throwing gas on the fire.”

Chief Wylie recommended that leaders double check their policies and procedures in case a similar incident were to happen in their department.

“Maybe the polices are good, but there’s a disconnect between the polices and the practices,” Lt. Duckworth explained. “The connection between the policies, the way we say they’re going to be done, and the way we actually do them, the practices, that connection is training.”

Stay tuned for the full Command Post podcast to premiere Friday.

The Command Post, a podcast series that features Lt. Rom Duckworth and Chief Rob Wylie, brings expert perspective to hot topics, frontline tactics and leadership lessons that firefighters and officers need to be safe and successful.