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Firefighter Tips

Incident reports can be helpful, but do you recall the date and address of every incident you ever responded to? You need something more.
Community outreach and education may not have been what you signed up for, but it’s a critical role of first responders
The badge is a widely recognized symbol of authority; it is also a symbol of public faith and trust
The fireground can be a dangerous place for a number of reasons and firearm discharges are one of them
It’s important to consider both the physical and mental well-being of personnel when deciding whether to begin a rehab operation
Gordon Graham recommends responders be vigilant and on the lookout for kids left in hot vehicles during warmer months
Are you truly ready for your next “smell of gas” call? Gordon Graham reminds you to appreciate the risk and prepare
Learn how to confront trauma that occurs after a difficult call and how to end the stigma surrounding getting help
The seconds and minutes it takes to properly check your gear are worth the time to ensure you can safely enter a structure
In this tip, risk management expert Gordon Graham outlines a community risk reduction plan departments can follow to protect at-risk populations
In this video, risk management expert Gordon Graham emphasizes the importance of police and fire cooperation at incident scenes
In this video, risk management expert Gordon Graham encourages first responders to consider the impact of their time in the fire service
In this tip, risk management expert Gordon Graham encourages first responders to be smart about their use of cell phones while on duty
In this video, Graham emphasizes the importance of decontamination following an incident to protect the health and wellness of the crew
The job of a company officer is not easy, but these tips can help you start off on the right foot
Listen as Gordon Graham breaks down the responsibility of supervisors in fostering the growth of those they lead
In this tip, Gordon Graham emphasizes the importance of well-written, accurate, complete, objective and timely incident reports
Listen and watch as Gordon Graham underlines the importance of first responders seeking early treatment as soon as mental health symptoms appear
The leap from cadet to on-shift firefighter can be daunting; here’s how to manage those first impressions you leave and build bonds with the crew
Grant writers can use these tips to make sure their applications are read and fully understood