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Education & Training

FireRescue1’s firefighter education and training topic features information and resources for fire and rescue professionals, including content that supports ongoing professional development and enhances training efforts, whether online, in the classroom or during hand-on training evolutions.

You are on scene with a patient who has suffered significant facial trauma; what are some strategies to improve your ability to manage his airway?
You’re responsible for managing the crash scene; this includes what happens behind the scene as well as at the scene
An essential guide to help new firefighters navigate the early days of the job with confidence
Most of these skill-building exercises can be used year-round and with minimal cost and equipment
Four common retention pitfalls, plus simple solutions for improving department culture and keeping firefighters happy
San Francisco’s new chief is a longtime SFFD veteran and constant cheerleader for the city
Share your passion through firefighter training, leadership or mentorship
Use this checklist to make yourself the best candidate possible for the firefighter job you want
The Potter Valley Fire Department hosted water supply training with six other departments using water from ponds
Former Miami-Dade firefighters face allegations of a cover-up after a deadly training exercise, with one falsely reporting to 911 that everyone was safe before admitting two were trapped
Is anyone at the upper levels of government considering how the current round of federal government changes will impact public safety at the local level?
Four key steps for minimizing incident command challenges
The Richlands firefighter/EMT was on his way home from paramedic class when he was involved in an MVC
Fire and EMS professionals must go beyond the “how” to understand the “why” of every technique and tool in our arsenal
Ignoring PASS alarms highlights need to better manage false activations and maintain situational awareness
Becoming an effective public speaker can elevate the success of your fire department, EMS crew or community paramedicine program
CPR training can prepare anyone to render lifesaving care
Discover how Valencia College’s unique cohort model is changing firefighter education and creating job-ready graduates
Here’s a breakdown of the most common types of fire extinguishers and category classifications
Handheld thermal imaging cameras do more than identify the seat of a structure fire; they’ve found a place in many emergency-response scenarios
Kentwood’s new $668K training building will have burn rooms, a maze system, temperature monitoring and a forcible entry door
Explaining a boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion, how it occurs and how it can be prevented
Ibrahim details his own mayday experience and shares his take on proactive vs. reactive RIT
Our picks for public safety readers for inspiration, health, healing, leadership and escape
Use SAMPLE history to assess the patient’s complaint and make treatment decisions
The Chattanooga Fire Department said they heard from departments across the country “that they will be using this incident for training purposes because of its uniqueness”
Elkhart Captain Adam “Pugsley” Kuspa suffered a massive pulmonary embolism while recuperating and attending physical therapy
FDNY Chief of Department John Esposito and other commanders went to the Palisades and Eaton fireground to speak with firefighters and bring back information to use in the city