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Firefighter Humor

The Firefighter Humor topic covers firefighter jokes, funny firehouse stories, and humorous firefighter videos that all go to show the lighter and fun side of firefighting and being a firefighter.

Our job search should be short, for who could deny a retired firefighter employment?
Some people just aren’t fit for the volunteer life – you know, like people who enjoy sleep
We’ve all experienced the blank faces when our firefighting vocabulary slips out in everyday conversation
Too bad the deckie is a Jake
Browse our gallery of AI-generated Lego fire stations featuring departments from around the United States
Unheeded motherly advice can lead to some uncomfortable situations when the child grows up to be a firefighter
“Change everything you can right away” and other bad advice for new leaders
New Bedford crewmembers did not let the Nissan get in their way
A life of fetching coffee and listening to the nozzleman complain
From appearance fees to mobile car washes, there are ways (albeit some ridiculous) to earn a bit of cash for the station coffer
‘My way’ is the only way to pack the hose – until it’s not
How would it really go if the songstress called in an emergency – of a broken heart?
Graham and Central Pierce fire departments, Puyallup Police Central and the state Department of Natural Resources get in on the silliness
The Rock County 911 Communications Center is back at it, this time to the beat of ‘Sheesh’
Firefighters showed their kindness; devotion to family, animals and even food; and participated in some strange-but-true events
Orange County Fire Authority crews had to cut through an 8-inch-thick concrete wall to rescue the woman
The rewritten version of “Burning Down the House” by the Talking Heads warns residents of common fire hazards
Neither a poor weather forecast nor an ongoing pandemic could halt the first responder couple’s wedding plans
Firefighters put on dazzling light shows, host storytime, spread safety messages and save Christmas in these eight fantastic videos that spread holiday cheer
“Get Your Mask On,” which parodies “Get Your Shine On” by Florida Georgia Line, was written by Naperville Firefighter-Paramedic Billy Croft to lift spirits and promote healthy habits
A group of Texas firefighters danced to the song “Blinding Lights” in their turnout gear, receiving nearly 2 million views on the TikTok app
From safety PSAs to stunning light displays, here’s how fire agencies spread holiday cheer this year
Deputy Chief Goldfeder talks fire service culture while facing a significant challenge – eating ice cream with the ultimate mustache
Lessons learned and great stories from a fire service legend
As fireworks season begins, cities and FDs are sharing safety and fire prevention tips to educate citizens and avoid disasters
Police arrested Jakyle E. Foster, 23, after he crashed the battalion vehicle into a Chevrolet Camaro
Volunteer firefighters in Bensheim, Germany used a pole to hold the plump rat still while they lifted the manhole cover and released the animal
Fairhope Fire Department firefighters rescued 2-year-old Ezra after she crawled inside a claw machine filled with toys