By Laurie K. Blandford
Treasure Coast Newspapers
ST. LUCIE COUNTY, Fla. — The final call a firefighter makes over the radio at the end of his or her career is a bittersweet moment.
Lt. Jim Rudd, who retired Thursday morning from the St. Lucie County Fire District after 29 years, said his was emotional.
“I was excited, but yet sad,” Rudd said. “Excited to the fact that I get to start a new life. But a little bit sad because I’m going to miss the crew and the people that I’ve worked with.”
His wife, Janet, was there for her husband’s 7 a.m. call at Station 4 at the Treasure Coast International Airport and Business Park north of Fort Pierce.
It prepared her for the last call she’ll make Tuesday when she retires after 22 years with the same Fire District.
“It made it a lot harder,” said Janet Rudd. “He said it perfect. It’s hard to see him get so sentimental, but I know he loved his job.”
The Rudds are the first husband-and-wife team to retire from the St. Lucie County Fire District.
“I’ve enjoyed it,” said Jim Rudd. “It’s been 29 years of a ride that I don’t know that you get at any other career.
“And I’m glad that my wife was beside me the whole time.”
Jim Rudd had to make what he wanted to say brief because retiring firefighters have to make it quick in between calls for service.
He took up only 22 seconds of time.
“I’d just like to say it’s been both a pleasure and an honor to have served here at the St. Lucie County Fire District with my brothers, sisters and family,” said Jim Rudd. “I can’t believe the end has come so fast.
“Be safe, train hard and take care of one another,” he continued, “and may God bless you all.
“227’s out of here, Jack! How do you like me now?”
He later explained that final sign-off as a reference to him growing out his military-style haircut.
After he was done, firefighters across the district, including Chief Buddy Emerson, responded. Sniffles could be heard in between the laughter.
“Thank you for your service.”
“Congratulations, Jimmy.”
“Happy retirement.”
“Enjoy each other, and enjoy your time off.”
Janet Rudd moved 38 years ago from Sarasota to St. Lucie County and was inspired by an EMT she knew to go to school for it a couple years later. She worked for a private ambulance company and wanted to join the Fire District, so she then went to school for that.
“I met him the night I graduated from fire school,” said Janet Rudd. “We dated a while, and then we got married. And now we have three beautiful children and one grandson with another grandchild on the way.”
Jim Rudd, a Fort Pierce native, had been with the district about a year when they met, following five years he spent in the military — four years in the U.S. Navy and a year in the National Guard.
A rule against nepotism at the district prevented her for seven years from being hired until a new chief changed things, she said.
“He believed in family serving family,” said Janet Rudd.
The couple was on several scenes together throughout the years, including the fire at Coke Stationary’s on Second Street in downtown Fort Pierce.
“He was on the front of the building, and I was in back,” said Janet Rudd. “Because it was all hands on deck on that one.”
They worked opposite shifts and sacrificed time together to make sure there always was a parent at every event for their children, she said. He also coached them in sports.
Now, their son, Colton, is in his third year at the St. Lucie County Fire District. Plus, her brother, Scott Miller, is in his 17th year with the district.
The Rudds agreed they felt like they were leaving a legacy behind.
“That’s what it’s about — having somebody take that over,” said Jim Rudd.
Even though they’re leaving the district, the work continues for their landscaping and culvert businesses.
Janet Rudd said they also have several trips planned, including ones to Alaska, Canada and New York City.
“And whatever else comes up when we want it to,” said Jim Rudd.
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