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Texas FD praises firefighter’s solo rescue effort at fatal fire

Tarkington Captain Doc Sikes knew he was going to be the only volunteer available to respond due to work schedules

By Bill Carey

CLEVELAND, Texas — The Tarkington Volunteer Fire Department is commending one of their firefighters for responding alone to a fire to save a grandmother and baby trapped inside.

Sikes said he was at home on the evening of June 25 when he received an alert about a mobile home fire near Cleveland, Click2Houston reported.

“I know the area, I know the members of the department and where they live,’ Sike said. “I was going to be the only one coming to this station anyway just because of work schedules.”

Sikes had decided that once he arrived at the firehouse he would grab his gear and respond to the scene.

“My well-being wasn’t really on my mind,” Sikes said. “The family was right there saying their grandmother and infant were still in there.”

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Sikes placed a ladder at the window where the victims were reported to be and made entry. He found the grandmother and pulled her to the window at the time a fire engine arrived.

He and his fellow firefighters then reentered to search for the baby girl. Unfortunately, the grandmother and baby had already died.

“A lot of times, they say you should wait, but if you have victims, especially a baby, these guys aren’t waiting,” Fire Chief Paul Gregory said.

Gregory stated that counselors and chaplains have been made available to members of the department in the wake of the fatal fire.

Wellness: How to support your personnel
The concept of wellness encompasses the whole body, and leaders play a role in supporting the physical, mental and emotional needs of first responders