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‘It became a necessity’: Kory Pearn on CRACKYL’s personal impact

The fire captain-turned-publisher shares the early inspiration for the lifestyle publication, plus the newest cover story

Captain Kory Pearn is all about discovery, from reflecting on past health struggles to brainstorming new ways to support the fire service. It was during a challenging time in Pearn’s life where the discovery kicked into high gear, as his concept for a fire service lifestyle publication turned to “something that I just had to get out of me,” he says. The result: CRACKYL Magazine, a quarterly publication for which he now serves as publisher and editor-in-chief, focusing on helping firefighters achieve better balance in their lives. Pearn shares a behind-the-scenes look at the inspiration for the magazine, plus recent cover stories, including the current issue that features fire service editors-in-chief, including our very own Better Every Shift co-host Janelle Foskett.

Plus, we dig into this:

  • Pearn’s vegetables/desserts content strategy
  • Why “you can’t fake it” in fire service media
  • His surprise meeting with Michael J. Fox
  • The love of LEGO – and the power of distractions in achieving balance

Listen in to hear why Zam calls Captain Kory Pearn one of the most interesting people in the fire service.

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