Americans also expressed high concerns for food security and national security due to wildfires
SAN FRANCISCO - Torch Sensors, a Bay Area startup offering ultra-early-stage outdoor fire detection with unprecedented accuracy, today announced the results of a survey regarding the U.S. general population’s concerns and experiences with wildfires. The survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults accompanies the launch and preorder availability of Torch Sensors’ low-cost comprehensive IoT and AI solution for ultra-early-stage outdoor fire and wildfire detection.
The survey revealed concerns and experiences across the United States regarding the economic and health damage that wildfires cause. Americans also expressed high concerns for food security and national security due to wildfires.
“It’s not surprising that there are high concerns across the United States regarding the negative impacts of wildfires on our economy and health. Wildfires destroyed communities and dominated headlines in recent years, while climate change is contributing to the growth of wildfires at over 30% each year. Torch Sensors envisions low-cost ultra-early-stage outdoor fire detection as an approach that should be ubiquitous, similar to indoor smoke alarms and their success in detecting indoor fires and saving lives and property since the 1970s,” said Torch Sensors CEO and co-founder Michael Buckwald.
Americans have high concerns regarding the economic impact of wildfires.
With economic uncertainty at hand, the majority of respondents believe that wildfires can negatively impact the economy and that the problem will continue to increase as the world battles climate change. Nearly 75% (74.3%) of the 1,046 respondents think wildfires could threaten the stability of the U.S. economy, while 73.9% believe the 2023 wildfire season could result in lost jobs and negative economic impacts to the United States. Nearly 70% (67.2%) believe the 2023 wildfire season poses an economic threat to their industry or job in 2023.
Americans are also concerned about the relationship between climate change and wildfires. More than 75% (75.6%) believe climate change will make wildfires more severe across the United States in the next 10 years.
Health concerns regarding wildfires are high.
Americans are also highly concerned about the impact of wildfires on health. More than 75% (77.6%) of respondents are concerned about the potential of wildfires affecting them and their family’s health and well-being. More than 60% (63.9%) say wildfires affected their health or the health of someone they know, while over 45% (46.1%) report that they or a family member live in a state that has been affected by wildfire smoke that has caused the air quality index to meet or exceed unhealthy conditions in the last five years.
Americans have high food security and national security concerns regarding wildfires.
Americans also have high concerns that wildfires impact U.S. food security and national security. More than 70% (72.1%) of respondents believe wildfires contribute to food insecurity in the U.S., and 62% think wildfires are a U.S. national security issue.
Help is on the way.
Torch Sensors has announced the launch and preorder availability of its comprehensive AI and IoT solution for the earliest possible outdoor fire and wildfire detection, featuring solar-powered sensors for $299 that cover 10 acres and can detect outdoor fires and wildfires around the size of a car and usually even smaller.
“Ultra-early-stage outdoor fire and wildfire detection technology such as ours is beyond critical to mitigating wildfire impacts and dangers, including property damage, deforestation, health issues, economic threats, food insecurity, job loss and climate change,” said Torch Sensors Chief Operating Officer and co-founder Vasya Tremsin.
A national online survey of 1,046 U.S. consumers, ages 18 and over, was conducted by Propeller Insights on behalf of Torch Sensors in March 2023. Survey responses were nationally representative of the U.S. population for age, gender, region, and ethnicity. The maximum margin of sampling error was +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.
About Torch Sensors
Founded in 2020, Torch Sensors provides an all-in-one solution for outdoor fire detection that spots an active flame at an earlier stage than any other technology on the market. The company offers low-cost advanced solar-powered sensors that continuously monitor an outdoor area for any signs of fire, and a mobile app that immediately notifies users about fires not only on their property, but also in the surrounding areas and communities. Torch Sensors is intended for a wide range of users, including consumer homeowners and landowners, agriculture, hospitality, and utility companies, and government organizations. For more information visit the Torch Sensors website and follow Torch Sensors on LinkedIn and on Twitter.