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Calif. fire district becomes 100 percent seatbelt compliant

Every firefighter signed a pledge to always wear a seatbelt, in normal travel conditions and on emergency calls

The Eureka Times-Standard

HUMBOLDT, Calif. — The Humboldt Fire District was recently recognized as a 100 percent compliant fire department by the International Fire Service Seatbelt Pledge. The department is one of only 23 recognized units in the state of California.

To become compliant, every firefighter must sign a pledge to always wear a seatbelt, in normal travel conditions and on emergency calls. The pledge originated when a 27-year-old firefighter from Texas was killed after falling out a moving fire truck in 2005. He was not wearing a seatbelt.

There are currently 791 fire departments that are 100 percent compliant around the world.

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