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Free grant resources for fire and EMS departments from MagneGrip

With expert assistance, comprehensive guides, and proven success in grant writing, MagneGrip is committed to helping fire and EMS departments secure funding

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CINCINATTI — MagneGrip protects firefighters and first responders from airborne contaminates within the fire station by offering best-in-class exhaust removal and air purification systems. These systems are vital in reducing your exposure to a wide variety of toxins, including diesel exhaust fumes, which have been linked to cancer. To help fire and EMS departments nationwide, MagneGrip offers FREE grant assistance along with a FREE Grant Guide to prepare you for the grant application process – available at

FREE Grant Guide

Securing essential safety equipment for your fire station can be financially challenging, but federal and local grants can help. Many fire departments have used grants to fund vital equipment like MagneGrip’s exhaust removal systems. However, navigating the grant process can also be a challenge itself. To help prepare you, MagneGrip has created a step-by-step guide of the grant process with expert tips that give you the best chance at getting your grant approved.

Fill out the form to the right to download our free grant guide. Grants are It’s one of the best ways to invest in a MagneGrip system and better safeguard your station’s health.

FREE Grant Assistance

On top of the FREE Grant Guide, MagneGrip offers a FREE Grant Assistance Program that is designed to further help departments meet application criteria effectively, offering the following key benefits:

  • Personal Assistance by Grant Experts: Our dedicated team of grant experts will guide and support fire and EMS departments throughout the application process, ensuring they have the best chance of securing the grants they need.
  • Grant Writing Training: We provide comprehensive grant writing training to equip departments with the necessary skills and knowledge to craft compelling grant applications.
  • Narrative Review: To strengthen the grant application, our team conducts thorough reviews of narratives to ensure clarity and coherence, increasing the likelihood of success.

DISCOUNTED Grant Writing

The final great benefit MagneGrip offers to support Fire and EMS Departments is grant-writing assistance. Through our collaboration with, MagneGrip will connect you with a team of grant writing experts to help make the process even easier. Our grant experts have secured over $520 million in grant funding for public safety agencies and local governments, and have proven to be 60% more successful with grant approval than the national average (17%).

Take the next step in protecting your team by leveraging MagneGrip’s FREE grant resources. With expert assistance, comprehensive guides, and proven success in grant writing, MagneGrip is committed to helping fire and EMS departments secure the necessary funding for essential safety equipment. Don’t miss out on these invaluable resources—visit today to download your free grant guide and learn more about our grant assistance program.

Your team’s health and safety are worth the investment.