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Fire department receives FEMA grant for 9 exhaust removal systems

Download MagneGrip’s grant funding assistance guide to learn how to secure a grant to help protect your station

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PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP, Ohio — Prairie Township, OH Fire Department recently took a significant step toward securing the safety of their firefighters by installing nine MagneGrip exhaust removal systems, each paired with MagneGrip’s PRO Nozzle. Securing this essential safety equipment was made possible through FEMA’s AFG grant, which covered the entire cost of all systems installed.

As the department’s first exhaust removal system, this installation proved to be a critical step in protecting Prairie Township’s firefighters from the dangers of diesel exhaust fumes, which have been linked to cancer. MagneGrip protects firefighters and first responders from airborne contaminants such as these by offering best-in-class exhaust removal and air purification systems. These systems are vital in reducing exposure to a wide variety of toxins, including diesel exhaust fumes, which can get trapped and linger throughout the station’s quarters.

For the Prairie Township Fire Department, this installation underscores the importance of having reliable, effective exhaust removal solutions in place and demonstrates the vital role that grant assistance can play in making these systems accessible to departments in need. By eliminating these harmful toxins, Prairie Township’s fire station is now a much cleaner, healthier environment, allowing firefighters to focus on their lifesaving work without the worry of exhaust exposure.

Download MagneGrip’s FREE Grant Guide to learn how to secure a grant to help protect your station.