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Firefighters Support Foundation Offers Free Evidence Preservation Program

The Firefighters Support Foundation

The Firefighters Support Foundation’s (FSF) newest training program, Evidence Preservation, is now available free by download. This program is available in two formats: a 50+ slide PowerPoint resource that’s dense with information, and a 50-minute video clip which presents the PowerPoint material. Firefighters, EMTs, paramedics and search & rescue personnel can view the video material with the PowerPoint file acting as their hard copy notes, or they can use either resource independently.

The program addresses all aspects of preserving evidence at fire, medical and rescue scenes.

  • It describes the kinds of evidence that first responders are likely to encounter and informs them about how to preserve it for law enforcement.
  • It puts evidence preservation into the context of the job that firefighters, medics and search and rescue personnel go to a scene to perform, which always takes first priority.
  • It provides several examples of first responders preserving evidence in cases where their action made a difference to the subsequent investigation.

The entire program is at the practical level for front-line responders. The PowerPoint and video portions of the program can be used by any agency or member either as-is, or as a basis from which to construct training modules or presentations of their own. It compiles the thoughts and advice of many of the leading experts in this area. Simply go to to download your free copy.

Several other free programs are also available by download at the FSF website, including the praised program: Responding to Bomb Threats, Bomb Incidents and Suicide Bombers.

About the Firefighters Support Foundation
The Firefighters Support Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization dedicated to assisting firefighters and rescue personnel perform their jobs effectively and safely. We also set aside a portion of our funds to aid underfunded agencies and assist families of fallen firefighters.

More information: Ralph Mroz, Firefighters Support Foundation, (413)-774-3512