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General Truck Body to distribute the Monterra 6x6 High Water Flood Rescue Vehicle

Strategic partnership between Acela Truck Company and General Truck Body leads to 6x6 high water flood rescue vehicle for fire departments


General Truck Body will introduce a highly-modified Acela Monterra 6x6 High Water/Flood Rescue Truck at the 2019 Fire Department Instructor’s Conference trade show April 8-13 in Indianapolis, booth #9249.

Photo/General Truck Body


By FireRescue1 Staff

BELGRADE, Mont. — Acela Truck Company and General Truck Body announce a strategic partnership to distribute the Acela Monterra extreme-duty truck chassis.

The partnership aims to expand the specialty vehicle product offerings of the two companies into high-water/flood rescue, firefighting and pipeline construction. General Truck Body will introduce a highly-modified Acela Monterra 6x6 High Water/Flood Rescue Truck at the 2019 Fire Department Instructor’s Conference trade show April 8-13 in Indianapolis, booth #9249.

“With flooding events becoming almost commonplace, we felt that offering the Monterra 6x6 High Water Flood Rescue Vehicle as our first-line vehicle would be ideal for our emergency response customer base,” Glen Maikranz, President of the Custom Division of General Truck Body said. “With a growing number of agencies, regularly effected by flooding and growing tired of repurposing older, unreliable military trucks, we are seeing a much greater demand for modern, purpose-built flood rescue trucks.”

The Acela Monterra has 46-inch tires, all-wheel-drive, 50-inch water fording capability and central tire inflation system. The Acela Monterra can also serve double-duty, as a wildland/brush truck. General Truck Body is also launching several lines of brush trucks and pipeline service vehicles.