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Holmatro Mini Documentary ‘I EMPOWER’

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Meet Homer Robertson, the Executive Assistant Fire Chief of the Fort Worth Texas Fire Department (USA). He is the person responsible for the training and equipment of 7 Battalions of Career Firefighters, spread over 44 fire stations and covering an area of 350 square miles. With a long career in the Fire Service Homer knows exactly what you need to become a firefighter, as well as what firefighters need to do their job. An extremely demanding job, both physically and mentally. In this short documentary we see Homer at work among his pupils, but also at home with his family, the solid base that enables him to do his job. This is the place where he can talk with his wife and son, take care of his animals and cook a nice steak. The place where just for a moment, he can escape the strains of day-to-day fire department life. A beautifully filmed portrait of a remarkable man.