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Download your guide to firefighter cancer protection through PPE

How firefighters can mitigate carcinogen exposure through sound practices like wearing SCBA, cleaning PPE after incidents, and more.

Download the PPE guide

Firefighters can do little to control their exposure to toxic substances that adversely affect health. They can, however, mitigate that exposure through sound practices like wearing SCBA, cleaning PPE after incidents, not smoking, exercising, sleeping better and eating well.

In this brief guide, we’ve zeroed in on firefighter cancer. We begin with a piece that helps explain some of the latest research on firefighter cancer. We follow that up with two pieces on how firefighters can protect themselves with their PPE.

This guide will provide you with information on:

  • 8 ways to protect against cancer with PPE
  • How to rid firefighting PPE of contaminants
  • Featured resource: Cardiovascular & Chemical Exposure Risks in Modern Firefighting Interim Report – Summary

Download the Guide to Cancer Prevention Through PPE below.

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