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Giant novelty lighter self-ignites

Fire officials warn residents to stop using dangerous novelty lighters

The Lancaster Evening Post

LANCASTER, England — Firefighters and Trading Standards officers are warning people not to use giant’ novelty cigarette lighters after one set fire to the arm of a settee.

A Morecambe couple said the fabric of their sofa burst into flames when the six inch lighter self-ignited after being used to light a cigarette.

The pair put out the fire before it spread during the incident last month.

Now council officers and fire service investigators are warning others who may have already bought the lighters to dispose of them safely.

County Coun Albert Atkinson, deputy leader of Lancashire County Council, said: “Clearly these oversized lighters pose a potential fire hazard and can cause serious injury so I would urge anybody who has one to stop using it straightaway.

“We would also ask retailers who still have stocks to immediately remove them from sale.”

The lighter which caused the fire, labelled M2000 Premium’, had been bought in Lancaster and was already subject to a European-wide withdrawal because of a fault with its ignition mechanism.

Further investigations by Trading Standards found the same shop had also missed official warnings about another model, the Hailu Premium Giant Lighter’.

It was being sold despite a withdrawal notice being issued following concerns that it did not extinguish immediately after use, which could cause the main container to melt and release gas and several fireballs.

County Coun Atkinson said: “While on this occasion the lighters were being sold in Lancaster, they could be on the shelves anywhere in Lancashire. I would ask everyone to look out for them and report any they find.”

Both lighters look like a larger version of a standard disposable lighter and are made up of transparent, coloured plastic.

Mark Hutton, protection support manager for Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, said: “As soon as our investigators identified the source of the fire in Morecambe we worked quickly with Trading Standards to prevent further sales of these dangerous lighters.

“This incident serves as a reminder that poorly made products are a potential source of fire.”

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