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Texas fire department applies for grant to replace 1995 fire truck

Fire Chief Russell Marshall said the city has filed an application for a Federal grant to replace one of its reserve fire trucks.

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This grant would allow the department to replace Engine 3 that’s currently non NFPA compliant.

Photo/ City of Athens, Texas Government

Rich Flowers
Athens Daily Review, Texas

ATHENS, Texas. — The Athens Fire Department is seeking a grant to replace a fire truck that has been in use since 1995.

Mark Taylor of Taylor and Associates of Tyler, a company that specializes in grant writing has put the request together for the city. The Texas Community Development Block Grant is from the Texas Department of Agriculture, fire, ambulance and service truck fund.

“The maximum grant amount is $500,000 and it requires a minimum match on the city’s part of $5,000,” Taylor said.

Fire Chief Russell Marshall said the city has filed an application for a Federal grant to replace one of its reserve fire trucks. This grant would also allow the department to replace one.

In April, AFD got approval to purchase a replacement or Fire Engine 2 that had been in use since 2008.

Quint 1 unit and Engine 2 are considered frontline equipment. Engines 3 and 4 are reserve equipment.

“This grant would allow us to replace Engine 3 that’s currently non NFPA compliant,” Marshall said. “It doesn’t have the carrying capacity for personnel that our other apparatus do.”

The application must be submitted by June 13.

The council also approved a final reading of an ordinance concerning a request from Chris Lamance for approval of a zoning change on a lot at 601 South Palestine Street, from single family -5 to retail. The vacant property that was formerly a private home, will be the new home of the Ship Shop store.

In other action, the council:

• proclaimed Juneteenth Emancipation Day;

• approved a final reading of on an ordinance concerning a request from James and Mary Ann McLung for approval of a zoning change from agriculture to single family-15 at 3101 Ranch Road;

• approved by a 4-1 vote final reading of an ordinance concerning a request from Elizabeth Patino Nunez for a approval of a zoning change from agriculture to single family-7 for a tract at 853 North Prairieville Street.

• changed the position of GIS officer to code enforcement officer.


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