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National Firefighter Code of Ethics to preserve public trust

Code designed to be behavior guide addressing ‘isolated ethical lapses by firefighters’ to maintain highest standards of professionalism

A National Firefighter Code of Ethics has been released in a bid to “preserve the public’s trust” in the fire service.

The Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association, assisted by the National Society of Executive Fire Officers, developed the document to be distributed throughout the fire service.

CVVFA officials realized the need for an ethics code for responders while researching their Fire Service Reputation Management White Paper.

“The Code of Ethics serves to remind our brethren firefighters of our moral and ethical obligation to the profession as well as to the people we serve,” said CVVFA Past President Steve Austin.

“The public places great trust in our profession and we need to exercise good judgment in order to preserve that trust. The Code of Ethics can serve as a compass to guide us in that direction.”

The code is designed to be a behavior guide addressing “isolated ethical lapses by firefighters.”

Individual firefighters are encouraged to pledge their support for maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and behavior by signing the code and keeping it in view.

Some highlights from the code include:

  • Always conduct myself, on and off duty, in a manner that reflects positively on myself, my department and the fire service in general.
  • Accept responsibility for my actions and for the consequences of my actions.
  • Conduct my personal affairs in a manner that does not improperly influence the performance of my duties, or bring discredit to my organization.
  • Never discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, creed, age, marital status, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual preference, medical condition or handicap.
  • Support the concept of fairness and the value of diverse thoughts and opinions.
  • Recognize that I serve in a position of public trust that requires stewardship in the honest and efficient use of publicly owned resources, including uniforms, facilities, vehicles and equipment and that these are protected from misuse and theft.