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Prosecutor rejects union’s request for Toledo fire chief probe

Officials said they have re-examined and re-evaluated the matter and have concluded there is no further action necessary or required


The Blade

TOLEDO, Ohio — The president of the union representing Toledo’s rank-and-file firefighters is continuing the group’s lobbying against the department’s chief by demanding that the Lucas County prosecutor have him “investigated and prosecuted” for his role in a now-closed criminal case from four years ago.

Jeff Romstadt, Toledo Firefighters Local 92 president, sent a letter last week to prosecutor Julia Bates regarding the September, 2011, case of Kevin Wolever, a former city fire inspector found not guilty by reason of insanity on charges of firing a gun at two city fire stations.

“It has come to Local 92’s attention that during the course of the criminal investigation by Toledo police, [Chief] Luis Santiago ... likely obstructed and/?or tampered with evidence and/?or engaged in other potential criminal wrongdoing,” the letter said. “Luis Santiago must be held accountable for jeopardizing the safety of Toledo firefighters and the public as a whole.”

Mr. Romstadt has previously claimed that Chief Santiago did not give to police a threatening letter from Mr. Wolever that would have helped their investigation. Chief Santiago has vehemently denied the claim several times and said the letter only suggested harm against him.

Police Lt. Joseph Heffernan said he believes the Toledo Police Department does not possess a copy of the letter.

Mrs. Bates, in a letter Monday to the union president, said the matter was “professionally and thoroughly investigated” by police and has since been closed.

“This office has re-examined and re-evaluated this entire matter yet again and we concluded that there is no further action necessary or required,” Mrs. Bates said in her letter.

Mr. Wolever is the son of retired fire chief Mike Wolever.

Chief Santiago acknowledged the request is the union’s latest salvo in its ongoing dispute with him. He declined to comment further.

“I am going to reserve comment under legal advice because of what has been investigated in the past,” the chief said. “I wish not to engage in any back and forth, and move forward.”

Mr. Romstadt, a captain, could not be reached for comment.

Toledo Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson last week said she continues to support Chief Santiago following an internal report about the 2014 arson fire that killed two firefighters.

The mayor Friday released an 82-page report by the Toledo Fire Department regarding the Magnolia Street apartment building blaze. Both Ms. Hicks-Hudson and Chief Santiago said the tragedy was a “culmination of events,” with multiple contributing factors.

The report did little to mend the dispute between Chief Santiago and Local 92 of the International Association of Firefighters.

Mr. Romstadt also said mediation efforts between the union and Chief Santiago facilitated by former Ohio Supreme Court justice Andy Douglas were “done and over with,” as the two sides were at odds over a union claim that the chief was too slow to refer to police a threatening letter from Mr. Wolever

Mr. Douglas, on the other hand, said he didn’t consider mediation over, but refused to elaborate, saying he would issue a statement later.

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