WESTFIELD, N.C. — On Feb. 16, the Westfield Volunteer Fire Department responded to an EMS call involving one of their own members.
A CPR emergency dispatch sent Westfield first responders and a Surry County EMS crew to a familiar address. Upon arrival, first responders found CPR already in progress and quickly took over doing compressions, the department stated.
The patient was Firefighter Henry Key, known for his dedication, humor and service to the department over the past five years.
Westfield firefighters applied an AED and administered three shocks. Henry then began breathing on his own.
With the arrival of Surry County EMS, first responders stabilized Henry for transport. The department stated it was one of the most difficult calls they had ever faced.
- Fire Captain Joe Hunter and Fire Lieutenant Chrissy Sarnowsky bring their firefighting skills and resilience to the latest season of CBS’s ‘Survivor.’