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FDNY firefighter released from hospital after heart attack

Joseph Brady was discharged Wednesday after suffering a heart attack while battling a blaze

NEW YORK — One of three firefighters injured during a massive blaze Tuesday was released from the hospital Wednesday.

Officials said Joseph Brady, 51, was released from Jacobi Medical Center after suffering a heart attack, reported NY Daily News.

Two other firefighters, Patrick Morello and Sean O’Rourke, remain in the hospital.

Morello, 44, was listed as in stable condition after suffering a heat stroke.

O’Rourke, 44, nearly lost his arm when the rig he was driving to the fire scene crashed. His condition was upgraded from critical to serious, but stable condition.

“It just shows the kind of work that our members do each and everyday,” FDNY Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro said. “How dangerous it is and how things in an instant change for those firefighters.”

Officials said the fire was caused by two children playing near a stove when a rag was accidentally set on fire.

Over 170 firefighters responded to the fire.