Digital Editions, eBooks & Special Projects
The FireRescue1 Special Coverage resource center captures all special coverage projects, including digital editions, like “Your Mayday Survival Guide” and “Dirty Helmet Syndrome”; eBooks, like “The Big 3: Training and tactics for residential, high-rise and warehouse fires” and “NFPA 3000: Preparing and training firefighters for active shooter incidents”; and unique special projects. Download these resources to review and share with your crewmembers, whether as a training tool, leadership guide or talking point at the firehouse kitchen table.
How changes in the new NFPA standards for turnout gear and SCBA will affect the fire service
Technology has come a long way – what should you look for?
Gain insight into how go/no-go situations are resolved by ICs and how you can level-up your own decision-making skills
Download a copy of the Guide and level-up your operations by creating a culture of mayday training and designing rookie-, basic-, and advanced-level drills
Download your copy to unpack the survey results related to incident command training, mayday management, and successes and failures in focus
Download your copy of the Guide, featuring a BC’s mayday experience, mayday training resources, and guidance for running command at a mayday event
This resource details how incident command unfolded at the scene, the immediate work to support FDNY, and how the tragedy changed the survivors forever
Redefining fire service pride and identifying the factors that drive firefighters to choose unsafe actions
Download the eBook to learn the story of one crew’s dramatic rescue of several children, a back-to-basics look at VEIS, and a training officer’s guide to primary search training
This downloadable eBook reviews the training and tactics associated with each of these dynamic fireground scenes, underscoring firefighter safety, the role of command, and the tools needed to get the job done
How drones can be deployed in the field, and steps agencies should take to develop a successful drone program
Download this free eBook to learn more about the challenges faced and lessons learned from the 2018 California wildfires and what you can do now to prepare for the next wildfire
Understanding the role of firefighters, company officers and chiefs
Download the eBook for a closer look at active shooter response efforts in the context of this first-of-its-kind standard
This special edition offer insights into what fire chiefs need to know about adopting FirstNet, including budget implications, training, mutual aid and other essential information
This issue focuses on improvements in apparatus safety, and the need for a renewed look at the importance of driver training and operator understanding
Communication problems, especially reliability and interoperability, are widespread and complicate preparedness, training and response
Over the years, there has been a growing understanding of the impact stress has on both the careers and personal lives of emergency service personnel.
This issue focuses on the history, current trends and future of the WUI fire threat
This issue focuses on the best ways to evaluate, recruit, nurture and discipline fire officers
The summer 2016 edition focuses on the best ways to evaluate and buy new or used fire apparatus, as well as how to restore those antiques
The spring 2016 issue focuses on research, laws and the link between firefighting and cancer
Fire Chief Digital Edition - Winter 2016 focuses on how far we’ve come in helping firefighters and what our next steps are
Fire Chief Digital Edition - Fall 2015 focuses on how some departments have put fire science into practice on the fireground
Fire Chief Digital: Extinguishing firefighter burnout, why civilian fire boards don’t work, and more
Fire Chief Digital Edition - Summer 2015 focuses on volunteer and combination leadership challenges
Fire Chief Digital Edition - Spring 2015 focuses on Firefighter Safety
- Digital Edition: Go/no-go decision-making on the fireground
- Training and tactics for the “big 3”: Residential, high-rise and warehouse fires (eBook)
- What you need to know now about the NFPA 1970 consolidations (white paper)
- Fire Chief Digital: How to keep apparatus buying simple
- Digital Edition: Dirty Helmet Syndrome