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Courtney Levin

Lexipol Brand Studio

Courtney Levin is a Branded Content Project Lead for Lexipol where she develops content for the public safety audience including law enforcement, fire, EMS and corrections. She holds a BA in Communications from Sonoma State University and has written professionally since 2016.

A look inside the innovation and precision engineering that shapes the protective gear firefighters rely on
Say goodbye to phone lists, free up time for other responsibilities
Get more information more quickly via IP-based alerting
Fire departments can do more than just save time with this app
Consider these five factors before your next investment
Your apparatus is only one tool of many to help increase safety
Selecting the right gear for your department includes more than considering dollars and cents
When resources are lacking, these grant opportunities can help
Now that you’ve developed the initial groundwork, these next steps are key to finding success
Departments can play a large role in supporting the health and safety of underserved residents