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FDNY union: 24% of members contracted COVID-19

About 1,000 members were tested for antibodies this week as part of a pilot program to determine how many first responders may have immunity


Nearly 3,000 FDNY members, or nearly 24% of the department, have contracted COVID-19, according to the Uniformed Firefighters Association. About half of those who tested positive for the virus have recovered and returned to work.

Photo/John Nacion, STAR MAX, IPx 2020 via AP

By Laura French

NEW YORK — A union representing FDNY personnel said that nearly 24% of department members have contracted COVID-19.

According to the Uniformed Firefighters Association (UFA), nearly 3,000 members tested positive for the virus, and about half of those affected have recovered and returned to work, News 12 Brooklyn reported.

UFA President Gerard Fitzgerald said that priority antibody testing took place on Monday to further determine how many have had the virus and may have developed immunity. A group of 1,000 FDNY members participated in the pilot testing program.

Fitzgerald has been urging city and state officials to provide priority COVID-19 testing for department members for at least a month. He said he hopes to see more members provided testing after the pilot program.