Updated Aug. 11, 2017
By Douglas Cline
Is your relationship with the fire service at best status quo? Just like any relationship, it has to be worked at.
Often, when we analyze where we are in a relationship, we find we have abandoned the love we had at first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; regroup and start doing the work you did at first. In other words, refuel the passion for the job!
To maintain the status quo is to keep the things the way they presently are; to stop developing, progressing or advancing; become sluggish or dull; become stale, foul or dead. So what causes firefighters to go into status quo?
1. Unmet needs
Often times, the nurturing of our organization does not occur. We have individuals or groups who are often neglected or are never addressed due to the system trying to help others who are not at the same level.
2. Unfulfilled expectations
Many times, we find individuals in the fire service who have expectations. Often these expectations are never met for whatever reason.
One of the most common causes is that the expectations are not realistic ones or ones that the organization cannot support for any member.
3. Under-developed self-esteem
In most cases, self-esteem is not a major issue, however, with some individuals, the environments they are placed in are negative, hostile and/or demeaning.
When this occurs, it is not hard for them to have a low self-esteem. We often see this with many of the harassment cases.
4. Unresolved conflicts
Many times, firefighters will have unresolved issue. Why is this? Well, most times, they never have the fortitude to address them professionally.
They get mad or sulk when they don’t get exactly what they want. There is no conflict resolution or closure in an issue. Other times, they never choose to address the problem at all.
5. Uncontrolled thoughts
We recognize that many individuals will have these thoughts that are not controlled. That is they don’t have a full knowledge of all information and they are thinking one dimensionally.
6. Unprotected lifestyles
Who is influencing you and your thoughts? Who are your so-called friends and colleagues? What are they feeding you?
Often times, we find that individuals find themselves in a status quo mode due to being frustrated. The first area you should look at is who you are hanging out with.
In most cases, it has been shown that who you are spending time with influences you tremendously, whether it is positive or negatively. In short, what junk are they feeding you?
7. Unreliable commitment
Commitment takes work and if one side of the relationship is not committed, it becomes unreliable. Often times, the fire department is not the problem, but officers who don’t do their jobs. This influences the entire organization.
Keep it fresh
We have to invite today’s fire service in. We cannot be living in the past or on fantasies. Today’s fire service is a lot different than when I started back in 1980.
The key is adapting and embracing changes. We have a burden of responsibility to leave the service better than we inherited it. This means we have to learn from our own and other’s mistakes.
We must set a course of direction that has safety as the focus. This will mean that many cultures, values, opinions and beliefs will have to be changed or, better yet, educated.
Leaders must be diligent in their efforts working tirelessly to accomplish the vision exhausting all means for a successful journey. Never lose faith or lower the vision. Falling short of the vision is better than setting one low and making it.
Clear vision
If fire officers and leaders will follow the vision with heart-felt desire, you will win. To keep the vision, you must understand that it will require personal sacrifices and risks to be taken.
In making sacrifices and taking risks, we often feel like we are out on a limb. Well guess what, you are! But if we don’t take chances, you most likely will not keep focused on what is important, the vision you have set as a leader.
These distractions that come up often pull even the best leaders off of the vision. When we keep our vision, we often receive harsh criticism. But remember, do not compromise for what seems easier or be discouraged by the criticism.
With that said, we need to have true diverse communications that are open and engage active listening. When I focus on active listening, I challenge you to hear what has happened in other organizations and responses.
Learn vicariously
Embrace vicarious learning as we cannot create training for every scenario possible. There just isn’t enough time. But we can learn about situations, conditions, events and types of responses from others who have experienced them, plus benefit from their lessons learned.
By doing this we spend the required time live and learn. With all of this effort, there has to be a degree of pleasure that comes with anything. Remember that we need to keep it fun.
However, fun is dictated by attitudes. So before you tell me that all the fun is gone, check your attitude and the people that are influencing you. Maybe the reason it isn’t fun is who you are surrounded by, which most often is a choice. I challenge you to look at the big picture.
For officers, you have to keep the romance and passion for the fire service going for your crews. Don’t fall victim yourself. Here are four tips on how to keep the fire service passion going:
1. Pay attention
It is important to be following closely what your firefighters are doing. You should spend quality time engaged with these individuals to truly understand them as individuals. You should focus on their needs more than your own.
2. Give affirmation
Give affirmation to the fire service and the people who affect and work with you. Positive affirmations and positive thinking techniques can help develop a powerful and positive attitude to life, which is an essential element in life success and good health.
With this power you can turn failure around into success, and take success and drive it to a whole new level. Your positive attitude is the fuel for your success.
3. Show affection
Speak well of the fire department and the people in it. Negative comments drag everyone down.
The negativity you show in these conversations depicts your level of thinking.
4. Create adventure
We need to create in our realms an exciting or very unusual experience and the ability to participate in exciting undertakings. This effort needs to be ongoing and challenging.
As you strive to keep it fresh remember, you are a part of this great profession we call the fire service. What are you going to do to make a difference?