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FR1 Apparatus Experts

The Apparatus Bay

The Apparatus Bay is a column section devoted to the fire truck industry, vehicle safety and the latest technology and vehicles. Articles are written by experts from across the industry. If there’s a topic you’d like to see covered, or you are interested in writing for The Apparatus Bay, email

Two years of R&D and expanded factory space allows company to build whole vehicle
Think of the Raytheon Regional Technology Center as a technology shoot house
There are several questions you need to answer before making your selection
A great many fire apparatus dealers and manufacturers will work with you and give you some good prices during this down economy
There is still a misconception out there that just because you drive an emergency vehicle with lights and siren on, you are not liable for any accidents that occur
Gone are the glory days of having enough money in the budget to go out and buy whatever your department wants
Saving money on current fire truck purchases or even refurbishing older apparatus is becoming a big thing
Latest NFPA 1901 Standard aims to make new apparatus stand out
A lot of advances have taken place technology wise, but not enough is being done at the local level to protect firefighters
Apparatus fresh on the market offers enhanced emergency response performance for wildland and structural firefighting