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Samantha Dorm

Grants for Law Enforcement

Samantha L. Dorm is a senior grant consultant for Lexipol, serving, and PoliceGrantsHelp. She first began working as a consultant for the grants division of Praetorian Digital (now Lexipol) in 2010. Dorm has been instrumental in providing grant writing guidance to various public safety and non-profit agencies throughout the United States to enable them to obtain alternative funding as well as provide instruction on statistical compilation, analysis and program development. Dorm is a reviewer for several federal agencies and also instructs grant writing workshops.

Contact Sam Dorm for Grant Assistance.

Here is an action plan for assessing the impact of the Trump administration’s temporary freeze on federally funded grants and a federal judge blocking that order
Federal pandemic relief funds are available to help your department upgrade its radio network to enhance interoperability and better serve your community
Personal experience showed me the impact of grants in getting crews the tools they need to help patients like my son