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Fire Chief Digital Edition

Fire Chief Digital Edition

The Fire Chief Digital Edition, a quarterly supplement to and the Fire Chief eNews, brings a sharpened focus to some of the most challenging topics facing fire chiefs and fire service leaders everywhere.

The Digital Edition features contributions from some of the top experts and most progressive thinkers in the fire service.

Understanding the role of firefighters, company officers and chiefs
This special edition offer insights into what fire chiefs need to know about adopting FirstNet, including budget implications, training, mutual aid and other essential information
This issue focuses on improvements in apparatus safety, and the need for a renewed look at the importance of driver training and operator understanding
Listen to firefighters and other stakeholders to evaluate what’s needed when planning for a new facility
To gain support for a new fire station, fire chiefs must understand and address their community’s needs
Building a fire station inside a shopping mall may seem like an outlandish idea, but more than 20 years later it is a fixture in the community
Successful fire station construction or renovation requires careful planning, patience, commitment and buy-in from all involved
Wildland fires are migrating into populated areas with greater frequency and severity, and taming these beasts requires a whole different mindset than structural firefighting
Understanding the scope and costs of historic and recent wildfires is necessary to plan for future fire-suppression efforts
This issue focuses on the history, current trends and future of the WUI fire threat